A Guide to Choosing the Right Social Day Program for an Elderly Loved One with Dementia
To enhance your elderly loved one’s strength, cognitive abilities, and overall wellbeing, consider finding a social day program for them to participate in. Even if your loved one cannot remember attending the program, engaging in different activities can reduce agitation and prevent depression. Here are a few considerations when selecting the appropriate social day program for a senior loved one with dementia.
Even with advanced dementia, your loved one’s preferences should be a top priority. By finding a social day program that meets those preferences, you can positively impact how your loved one responds. Even though your loved one’s cognitive abilities may be worsening, the enjoyment could trigger some recollection. Ask your loved one for suggestions, but keep the questioning limited and don’t upset them during the decision-making process.
A highly trained caregiver with experience in caring for seniors with dementia can be a fantastic resource for family members. For trusted and reliable dementia care, families can turn to Companioa by Institute on Aging (IOA). As experts in caring for seniors with memory-related conditions, our dementia-certified practitioners will work closely with you to customize a care plan tailored to your loved one’s unique needs, interests, and desires. From specialized in-home dementia care to our social day program and the elevated level of support available with our Concierge Client Care service, our primary goal is to go above and beyond to provide the highest possible level of compassionate care.
Make sure your loved one will be in the presence of other seniors. The goal is to increase social interaction. One of the common feelings for adults living with dementia is isolation, so you want to alleviate this feeling as much as possible.
Although you don’t want the facility to be overcrowded, as this can decrease the attention your loved one receives and needs while participating in activities, it should have sufficient attendance. The program needs to meet the specific challenges older adults with dementia face while also providing opportunities for engagement and connection.
If you’re also looking for reliable dementia home care, Companioa by IOA offers high-quality at-home care for seniors who are managing the challenges of cognitive decline. Our dedicated caregivers establish a nurturing atmosphere that revolves around trust, empathy, and compassion. They’re experts in showing the patience, calm demeanor, and flexibility necessary to adapt to the ever-changing needs of aging adults with dementia. Our caregivers are able to foster meaningful bonds by practicing active listening and seeking a genuine understanding of each senior’s unique preferences, needs, and emotions.
The goal is to enable your loved one with dementia to live at home while providing them with consistent care, social interaction, and mental and physical stimulation through various activities, which can slow down the advancement of the condition and boost safety. Therefore, if the scheduling doesn’t suit your loved one’s needs, it may not be the right social day program for them. This includes your working schedule and the routines of others assisting with your loved one’s daily care.
Welcoming Atmosphere
When their memories worsen, seniors with dementia often prefer to keep their distance because they fear making mistakes in the presence of others. An unwelcoming program can create major obstacles for a person with dementia. By touring the social day program and learning about its activities and benefits, you can avoid this. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and observe daily activities.
Bring your loved one along while touring the facility. It will help you assess the caregivers’ responses and your loved one’s reaction to the atmosphere and assistance. The program should have a welcoming feel to it, considering how even the simplest activities can affect your loved one’s mental, physical, and emotional health.
For dementia and Alzheimer’s care families can count on, reach out to Companioa by IOA. Our compassionate home caregivers are specially trained and certified in dementia care, and we use revolutionary memory care programs to help seniors delay the progression of dementia. In addition, our state-of-the-art adult day program, which is specifically designed for individuals living with Alzheimer’s or dementia, provides social engagement, a wide variety of cognitively stimulating activities, and group exercises. Call one of our friendly Connect Specialists today at (415) 750-4111 to learn more about our home care services and our customized social day program.