Enhancing Dementia Care: The Impact of Social Day Programs on Cognitive Health
Social day programs are often viewed as opportunities for family caregivers to keep their senior loved ones safe while they take a break. While your loved one will be well cared for during this time, it’s also important to take a look at the other benefits these programs have for seniors with dementia. Spending time at a social day program can boost your loved one’s cognitive processes, which can slow the progression of dementia.
Add Structure to the Day
A social day program is packed with activities that are all senior-friendly and important for your loved one’s wellbeing. Getting ready for the social day program gives your loved one a reason to get dressed and take care of their personal hygiene. They’ll also be better able to remember the sequence of events in their day when they have more structure. For instance, eating lunch at the same time each day makes it easier for your loved one to remember to fulfill their body’s need for nutrition that boosts mental acuity.
Provide Cognitive Support
Social day programs for dementia are staffed by specially trained professionals who plan their programs’ routines by incorporating activities seniors need to slow dementia’s progression. Engaging seniors in a variety of activities that provide mental and intellectual stimulation, such as playing games and working on art projects, is a great way to help them maintain their cognitive abilities.
Caring for senior loved ones with dementia can be challenging for families who don’t have expertise or professional training in dementia care, but this challenge doesn’t have to be faced alone. Families looking for top-rated dementia home care providers can reach out to Companioa by Institute on Aging (IOA). From specialized dementia and Alzheimer’s home care to our adult day program and personal concierge services, there are many ways we can make life easier for seniors and their loved ones.
Prevent Head Injuries
Once your loved one receives a dementia diagnosis, it’s important to do everything you can to keep their mind sharp. Head injuries increase the risk of long-term memory loss, but spending time with supportive individuals in a safe environment lowers the risk of this happening. Being in a day care program reduces the chances that your loved one might feel tempted to do something that places their health at risk, such as climbing on a chair to reach an item. Having the ability to ask for help allows your loved one to make better choices that protect them from fall-related head injuries.
Caring for a loved one with dementia can be a challenging task for anyone. The responsibilities can sometimes feel overwhelming, but help is available. Though some families choose to take on the caregiving duties, there may come a time when they need a trusted provider of dementia care at home. Families sometimes need respite from their duties so they can focus on their other responsibilities, and some seniors need more extensive assistance that their families are not able to provide. Companioa by IOA is here to help. Our social day program for dementia offers a modern, safe, and supportive environment while providing much-needed respite for family caregivers.
Preserve Communication Skills
Dementia can slowly affect speech, as it impacts the ability to come up with the right words to use to describe a situation or phrase a request. Seniors who sit alone all day simply don’t get the opportunity to use their verbal abilities, which can cause them to fade. Encouraging your loved one to participate in a day program provides them with social opportunities where they can engage with others. Professional caregivers are also supportive and know how to listen to your loved one even when they take a few minutes to find the right words.
Promote a Sense of Purpose
One of the most difficult aspects of dementia care is facing the reality that seniors often understand they’re losing their cognitive abilities. Stumbling over words, forgetting how to brush their teeth, and experiencing other challenges can rob seniors of their self-esteem. When your loved one is greeted by caring individuals who are ready to fill their day with success, they’ll enjoy a renewed sense of purpose that inspires them to continue to follow their dementia care plan.
Families looking for top-rated dementia home care providers can reach out to Companioa by IOA. From specialized in-home Alzheimer’s and dementia care to our Concierge Client Care services and Social Day Program, there are many ways we can make life easier for seniors and their loved ones. Seniors in our day program enjoy daily group exercise, mental stimulation, opportunities for artistic expression, personalized assistance, and homemade meals made with fresh ingredients. We go beyond cognitive and physical care, fostering belonging and purpose that allows seniors with dementia to truly flourish with dignity and respect. Call us today at (415) 750-4111 to schedule a consultation.