Effective Ways to Communicate with a Loved One Who Has Dementia

Effective communication strategies make it easier to provide excellent dementia care. These skills allow you to stay updated on your senior loved one’s current physical, mental, and emotional health as well as the transitions they’re likely to face in the future. Below are some tips to help you effectively communicate with an aging loved one living with dementia.

Incorporate Encouragement

Praising your loved one’s actions and responses is crucial because it can boost their self-esteem. Therefore, try to praise your loved one more often than you correct them. If you need to make corrections or suggestions, do so with positivity and helpful gestures. Correcting your loved one can lead to arguments and make them feel as if their personal space is being invaded.

Incorporating encouragement into your communication methods can help your loved one avoid mood swings and repetitive speaking. Keep in mind certain factors, such as sundowning and shadowing or clinginess, will occur as dementia progresses, so you need to find ways to remain positive and encouraging.

At Companioa by Institute on Aging (IOA), our Concierge Client Care service includes high-quality, compassionate care management for dementia. Our licensed Care Managers advocate for families, offering personalized care planning, medical coordination, lifestyle assistance, and enhanced family communication. With our expert guidance, families are able to navigate healthcare complexities and access the best resources for their loved ones’ wellbeing.

Reduce Distractions

If the television or radio is on in the background or you have a tablet or cell phone in your hand, your loved one’s mind is more likely to drift off, preventing them from listening to your words and focusing more on the devices. Loud noises can also disrupt the entire conversation if your loved one is helping you complete a task or performing another activity.
Always make eye contact to ensure your loved one is focusing on you and the conversation instead of background distractions, especially those you’re unable to remove. Doing so can give you better insight into how to have future conversations, even if that means moving to more secluded rooms that have minimal or no distractions or having certain conversations at specific times.

Refrain from Asking Yes or No Questions

These are questions that can increase confusion in seniors with dementia. Your loved one may misinterpret the question and have difficulty selecting an accurate answer. Therefore, your questions should be simple, short, and transparent. It’s also best to ask one thing at a time, and a yes or no question can be viewed as a two-part query and be difficult for a senior with dementia to understand.

Refraining from asking these types of questions can alleviate the need to correct your loved one. This is also important because it can boost your loved one’s confidence and encourage them to take on more activities instead of being afraid, giving in, and allowing their health to worsen more rapidly.

Remain Calm

Despite challenging conversations, you need to remain positive and calm. Your loved one with dementia could respond to you with negativity and become isolated or act out aggressively. Keep in mind your body language can also express your emotions, so you need to remain relaxed and positive in your loved one’s presence. Instead of focusing on your agitation, your loved one can pay attention to what you’re saying and communicate with more ease.
Calm communication can enhance your loved one’s self-esteem and preserve their dignity. Your loved one won’t doubt their ability to communicate effectively, and they’ll try to take on more actions and utilize communication methods you incorporate with positivity. 

Families who are caring for aging loved ones with dementia can get the personalized support they need with Concierge Client Care from Companioa by IOA. Our three distinct service offerings—Personal Concierge, Caregiver Coaching, and Care Management—ensure the highest level of compassionate professional concierge senior care that’s tailored to each client’s unique needs. We can be your trusted partner, providing the expertise and attention to detail that will help you navigate the complexities of dementia care. For more information about our flexible, customizable home care plans, call one of our compassionate Connect Specialists today at (415) 750-4111.


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