5 Simple Ways to Remain Positive Following a Dementia Diagnosis
Trying to stay positive after receiving a dementia diagnosis can be fairly difficult for seniors and their family members. Dementia is a serious health issue that can impact your aging loved one’s health, wellbeing, and independence. After a dementia diagnosis, you can use the following strategies to stay positive.
1. Learn about Dementia
People sometimes avoid researching dementia because they’re afraid of what they might discover. However, you’re more likely to find that people with dementia can live happy and healthy lives well into the final stages of the condition. The key is to know how to alter your loved one’s care plan as he or she ages. Learning about the different treatment options for dementia could reduce your stress levels.
The days, weeks, and months following a dementia diagnosis can be challenging for both seniors and their families. However, these challenges can be made less stressful with the help of caregivers trained in professional dementia and Alzheimer’s care. Companioa by IOA is here to help your loved one enjoy the golden years while simultaneously managing the symptoms of dementia.
2. Recognize What Stays the Same
Your loved one is still the same person he or she was before the diagnosis. Although dementia leads to memory loss as the condition progresses, your loved one’s core personality may remain the same. As a result, you can still enjoy your favorite activities together. Go ahead and plan fun events that allow you to connect and create happy memories with your parent.
3. Know You’re Not Alone
After your loved one’s diagnosis, you may feel isolated from others who seem to have fewer worries. However, there are millions of people with dementia all over the world. Start building a support network now by reaching out to family members and friends who want to be a part of your family’s new journey. You can also add new people to your life, such as professional caregivers and support group members, to increase your confidence as you learn to manage the diagnosis.
Families looking for top-rated dementia home care providers can reach out to Companioa by IOA. From specialized in-home Alzheimer’s and dementia care to our Adult Day program and Personal Concierge services, there are many ways we can make life easier for seniors and their loved ones.
4. Anticipate Negative Emotions
Forcing yourself to stay positive may feel impossible. Negative emotions such as anger, guilt, and anxiety are all normal, and they may occur throughout each stage of your loved one’s condition. However, you don’t have to let these emotions rule your life. Create a self-care plan that includes strategies to stave off negative feelings. For instance, you could arrange for a few extra hours of respite care if you feel anger or guilt creeping in. You can also exercise, vent to a friend, or talk to a professional counselor to bring your mindset back to positive thoughts.
5. Focus on What You Can Do
Families often feel helpless in the face of dementia symptoms. To combat feelings of helplessness, focus on the things you can do to make your loved one’s life better. For instance, staying socially active helps seniors retain their cognitive abilities for longer. Every lunch date you plan with your loved one reinforces the skills needed to maintain independence.
Caring for older adults with serious health issues such as dementia can be a challenging task. Families who find it difficult to care for their aging loved ones without assistance can benefit greatly from professional dementia care, and family caregivers who need a break from their caregiving duties can turn to Companioa by IOA. Our expert caregivers can help your loved one get plenty of mental and social stimulation and focus on lifestyle factors that promote longevity. To hire a professionally trained caregiver for your loved one, call us at (415) 750-4111 today.